How To Tie A Neck Tie

By Hendrik Pohl

There are many different ways to tie your neck tie, but one of the most commonly used necktie knots which is both easy to learn and stylish looking, is the so-called Four in Hand Necktie knot. The Four in Hand knot is a slightly smaller, and somewhat asymmetrical tie knot. Even though this type of necktie knot is one of the easiest ways o tie a necktie, hence it is sometimes called the simple tie knot, it is by no means an un-fashionable way to tie your tie. It is actually the preferred, and best looking tie knot if you wear a dress shirt with a narrow collar spread. The traditional look of the FIH knot also compliments British striped neckties exceptionally well.

The Story Behind The Four in Hand Knot

The Four in Hand is one of the original necktie knots dating back to the middle of the 19th century. It is one of the oldest tie knots that is still in common use today. It was invented by British horsemen that needed a simple way to tie a scarf with one hand while holding the reigns of four horses in the other hand. Hence, the knot got the name Four-in-Hand.

How to Tie a Four-in-Hand Knot:


1. Flip up your shirts collar and close the top button. Then, lay the tie around your neck so that the broad side of the necktie hangs lower than the narrow end.

2. Wrap the broad end of the necktie behind, and around the narrow end of the tie with one hand, while holding the wrapping in place with your other hand. This will ensure that the unfinished tie knot doesnt slip out of place.

3. Wrap the broad end around, and over the front of the narrow end. As before, hold the unfinished tie knot with two fingers. Then, take the broad end, and loop it through the loop on your neck. Make sure to leave a loop at the front of your tie. This is needed in the next step to pull the broad end through, and to tighten the knot.

4. Pull the broad end of the necktie through the loop you created in step #3.

5. Carefully tighten the necktie and adjust it so that it is centered between your collar. Finally flip down your shirts collars.

Tying your necktie to the Right Length:

The tip of the necktie should end near the center of your belt buckle. If the tie is tied too short or too long, un-tie the knot and do it again. Sooner or later, you will get a feel for where you need to start the knot. Use the stitching at the back of the tie of the narrow part as a reference point. If you just cant get the tie tied to the right length, chances are that you might need extra long neckties that are especially made for taller men. Regular sized neckties are typically 58 inches in length and a good fit for men up to 63. Extra long ties are 3-4 inches longer, and recommended for men taller than 6 foot 3 inches, or for men that have a larger neck size. Buying extra long ties in conventional brick and mortar stroes might be somewhat challenging. Only few retailers carry them, and in most cases only offer a very limited selection. Buying extra long ties at specialized online retailers might be a better, and more convenient alternative.

How to Create a Dimpled Necktie Knot

Recently experts speak of a dimpled tie knot. The dimple is a crevice on the top of the knot, which gives the tie more structure and a more sophisticated look. To make a dimple in the tie knot, you will need to pay a little more attention on the last step of the necktie knot. Before tightening the necktie, put your finger on top of the tie, and slide it carefully inside the tie knot. With your finger create a crevice. Keep your finger on top of the tie until the tie knots gets tighter. At the same time as you tighten the necktie knot, carefully pull our your finger. As a final step, give the tie knot a little squeeze from the sides and tighten the knot one more time. The dimpled tie knot looks best with solid color ties made from a shiny silk fabric.

About the Author: H Pohl is an expert author on men’s fashion. He is also the owner and founder of besides offering quality

mens ties, neckties, silk ties

and bow ties, offers lots of useful resources on

how to tie a necktie

, cleaning silk ties, and dress code tips, and more.


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